Transitioning to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) for Better User Experiences

Published on:
February 9, 2024

In today's fast-paced digital world, the struggle for consumers' attention is more intense than ever. Technological advancement has changed how we access information and services and spend our time. As we navigate the virtual world, there has been a noticeable shift in where consumers spend their time: The Web and Apps. 

These two venues have emerged as the principal platforms for online interaction, with each competing for supremacy in capturing the priceless moments of user involvement. According to recent data, 91.9% of their mobile time is spent in apps, while only 8.1% is spent perusing the rest of the internet. 

The disparity is even more pronounced in the ecommerce space: mobile app users spend an average of 201.8 minutes per month purchasing, compared to 10.9 minutes monthly for website users. Enter Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), a game-changing technology that connects traditional web pages with mobile apps. In this MarsDevs blog, we set out to discuss progressive web apps in detail and how they can be a game changer for user experiences! 

So, let’s get started!

Decoding Progressive Web Apps

Decoding Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a new generation combining webpages' best features with native mobile apps. They provide users with advanced surfing experiences similar to those of a native app while simultaneously accessible via an internet browser.

As Rachel Brown writes, “It’s a browser-based web application created using the latest web technologies to deliver a native app-like experience to users on any device or channel—mobile, desktop, or the web.“

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) improve user experience by integrating the best websites and native apps for modern interactions, including seamless offline access, quick loading, and device compatibility.

But how are they different from traditional websites?

Progressive Web Apps

Firstly, server-side technologies are used to build traditional websites, in which the server transmits HTML to the browser for rendering. Client-side rendering is used by PWAs, in which the browser obtains data from an API and assembles the page on the client side. It's the difference between buying a ready-made dinner and cooking a gourmet dish from scratch.

Also, while useful, traditional websites are sometimes clumsy. PWAs, on the other hand, provide a more fluid and engaging user experience. They may cache material, making them fast, and provide offline access. It's the equivalent of switching from a simple flip phone to the most recent iPhone.

Transforming UI/UX Design Services

Transforming UI/UX Design Services

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) provide several advantages to the user experience. 

For example, they are intended to be quicker and more dependable than standard web apps, allowing users to access them from any device or network connection. Furthermore, PWAs provide consumers access to native features like push notifications, which may help keep them engaged and updated on crucial information. 

Finally, PWAs support offline use, allowing users to continue using the program even when their internet connection is down. It allows organizations that demand remote work or operate in places with inadequate or inconsistent internet access to stay productive and connected. 

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are extremely advantageous to various businesses in various sectors. Let's look at several progressive web app examples and scenarios of businesses that have seen considerable gains by implementing PWAs:

  1. AliExpress

After transforming its mobile website into a PWA, AliExpress, a worldwide online retail platform owned by Alibaba Group, has witnessed excellent results. The PWA provided a more engaging and quicker user experience, leading to a 104% increase in conversion rates for new users. Furthermore, consumers spent 74% more time on the site, resulting in a 2X increase in pages visited.

  1. Flipkart

Flipkart, one of India's leading e-commerce platforms, adopted PWAs to address the poor loading times and inadequate connectivity many of its consumers experienced. Flipkart saw a huge drop in bounce rates after releasing their progressive app, resulting in a 70% conversion boost. Furthermore, the PWA contributed to a threefold increase in time spent on the site.

  1.  Forbes

Forbes, a well-known media brand, converted their mobile website into a PWA to increase engagement and user retention. The PWA lowered website load times dramatically, resulting in a 43% increase in sessions per user and a 100% improvement in ad viewability. Forbes also reported a 20% boost in iOS device engagement.

Max Lynch explains, “We will see a complete flip for Business to Employee (B2E) apps being built as PWAs. Since these apps are data-oriented, they are perfectly suited for PWAs. On the consumer side, the data shows that, on the net, users aren’t downloading and keeping apps. Various businesses won’t have any option to reach & retain customers but to reduce the barrier to implement their app by creating a PWA.”

Building Progressive Web Apps - Best Practices

As the virtual world evolves, embracing PWAs represents a strategic move that enhances user experience and provides various benefits from both a technical and commercial company viewpoint.

But how do you build progressive web apps? Let’s take a look. 

Optimizing for Mobile

PWAs, by definition, are intended to adapt effortlessly to mobile platforms. The seamless integration of web-based features with native mobile applications ensures a fascinating experience for smartphone and tablet users. 

So, ensure your PWA is designed using a responsive design strategy. Simplify your PWA's navigation structure for mobile consumers. And don't forget to use simple and concise menus, intuitive iconography, and search functions that are easily accessible. In addition, employ push notifications to engage and keep your mobile consumers. 

Ensuring Responsive Design

Ensuring Responsive Design

The success of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) relies heavily on adaptable design, especially in this day and age when devices and screen sizes are so diverse. Providing a consistent and visually pleasing experience across all devices is critical. 


PWAs with responsive design automatically alter their layout and content to accommodate multiple screen sizes. With responsive design, PWAs may adjust to multiple orientations, such as landscape or portrait mode. Also, responsive design positively influences search engine optimization (SEO).

Integrating Offline Capabilities

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are designed to provide a seamless user experience even when an internet connection is unavailable. It is accomplished using advanced caching mechanisms, which allow these applications to store and retrieve data locally, allowing users to access and interact with the app's content even when not connected to the internet.

PWAs can intelligently use a variety of caching algorithms dependent on the needs of the app. This adaptability enables developers to adjust offline capabilities based on resource importance, update frequency, and user preferences. 

Testing and Debugging

It is critical to emphasize the need for extensive testing to achieve a smooth transition. Identifying and correcting any potential faults or glitches that may occur during the creation of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) becomes much easier using this procedure. 

Furthermore, effective tools and best practices for debugging Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) must be suggested. These tools can help developers detect and resolve issues and faults that may arise throughout development. 

As a result, you can get a seamless transition and produce great Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that satisfy the highest quality and user experience requirements by emphasizing thorough testing and offering guidance on effective debugging tools and procedures. 

Future Trends and Considerations

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are continuously changing, and organizations must stay up with the newest advances. By doing so, they can fully realize the potential of PWAs and gain a business edge. 

AI and ML Integration in Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Using artificial intelligence and machine learning in Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to generate personalized user experiences, predictive analytics, and intelligent suggestions, increasing customer engagement, satisfaction, and company success.

Offline Capabilities: The growing emphasis on offline functionality in Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), which allows users to access and interact with the application without internet connectivity, is especially valuable in areas with unreliable access or while traveling, resulting in increased user retention and loyalty. 

Push Notifications: With the increasing usage of push notifications in PWAs, companies may engage consumers with timely updates, promotions, or reminders, establishing a direct communication channel that enhances customer engagement, return visits, conversions, and revenue. 

Voice Assistants and Smart Devices: The advent of voice-enabled devices opens up new options for PWAs, allowing users to interact hands-free via voice commands, improving accessibility, and offering companies new methods to connect and engage their target audience. 

To keep a competitive edge, organizations must stay up to speed on developing trends in PWAs, continually improving their apps to embrace these changes, offering outstanding user experiences, outperforming competitors, and driving company growth. 


Transitioning from traditional websites to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be difficult, but organizations can open up a new world of possibilities with the proper technologies. 

Organizations may effectively embrace the power of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) by modifying design and user experience, adding PWA capabilities, fixing performance and compatibility challenges, and guaranteeing smooth integration and data transfer.

The advantages are significant: increased user engagement, improved performance, higher conversion rates, and the opportunity to reach people offline. So, switch to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and realize the full potential of this fascinating technology to promote corporate development and provide amazing user experiences.

At MarsDevs, we can help you transition to a PWA effectively. So, why not check us out?

Contact us today; we will be your progressive web app transition guide at every step!


  1. What is the progressive web app?

A PWA (progressive web app) is a platform-oriented software that offers a seamless user experience. It may operate on different platforms and devices using the same codebase as a website.

  1. How is PWA different from regular Web Apps?

The installation process differs significantly between a PWA and a web app. A PWA can be installed on any device, whether desktop or mobile. On the other hand, a web app is meant to run on a web browser and cannot be installed on a device. 

  1. Who needs PWA?

PWAs are web apps that leverage contemporary web technologies to deliver a user experience comparable to a native app. Their mobile-responsive design operates offline, making them ideal for customers who want an app-like experience without installing anything.

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