Static Vs Dynamic Website - Major Differences You Must Know

Published on:
May 15, 2024

We see thousands of websites and use them for information gathering, online shopping, social media interaction, filling out forms, and more! Websites can be categorized as static or dynamic websites.

Let us understand the broad differences between them. This MarsDevs article will discuss the in-depth details of static & dynamic websites. So, let’s get started!

Static & Dynamic Websites

Static & Dynamic Websites

Static pages involve loading the HTML document and the browser displaying it. On the other hand, dynamic pages are assembled on the fly based on what the user has requested. Information on static pages hardly ever changes whereas information on dynamic pages involves changing content such as search results or forms. 

Static website pages appear similarly for all users. On the other hand, dynamic web pages appear differently for different users. Text, images, and other page elements are personalized based on user information.

Static & dynamic websites have their strengths & drawbacks. They suit different requirements. Developers can also build hybrid websites that combine static and dynamic pages. Static pages are used for simple information dissemination. Dynamic pages are used when there is a need for customization or additional features. 

What is a Static Website?

What is a Static Website?

Static pages are delivered as soon as the server receives a request for a page. The web pages delivered will be the same each time unless a manual change is done. Such pages are called - ‘flat/stationary’ pages.

Static pages tend to load faster. They are easier to optimize for search engines. Static websites can become cumbersome once they have hundreds of pages. 

Static websites aren’t challenging to develop and host. Since each page can have its design, small changes on a particular page can be easily carried out. Static web pages do not contain any application programs. 

No interpretation is required before any page is rendered. Static websites need to be manually updated & challenging to scale. Static websites do not use external databases. They are mostly coded in HTML along with CSS and JavaScript. 

External databases are not used. Static pages can also have forms or buttons for user interaction, but it’s rather limited. Static pages offer limited interactivity and have no database integration. The code of static pages is largely fixed unless a change is made to the content or look and feel. 

They offer limited features and customization. They aren’t for massive and complex websites. However, they are more secure with fewer attack vectors. Static websites are easier to optimize for search engines. Static pages are used for simple business websites, personal blogs & content dissemination sites.

Dynamic Website - What it’s all about?

Dynamic Website - What it’s all about?

Dynamic websites generate content on the fly using a database based on user input. It is used for marketing websites that provide content based on customers or channels. Dynamic website development involves significant server-side processing & has app programs for multiple service offerings. 

Dynamic pages are created by pulling data from a data source, loading it on a template, and creating the HTML code in reality. The pages are not hard-coded for each user but instead generated dynamically. Dynamic HTML is used to code dynamic websites. 

Other programming languages include PHP, Python, server-side JavaScript, ASP, CGI, AJAX, and ASP.NET. Dynamic websites offer the following actions: CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete which are useful for calendars and to-do sites.

Dynamic websites facilitate flexible programming, object-oriented coding, and prototyping. They are preferred when the visitors log in and the pages are developed on the fly with the user’s login and account information. This facilitates personalization. 

Dynamic websites use content from a database or a content management system. Any information changes must be done on the database. They are often developed using content management systems like Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla.

Dynamic web pages take information from a database or a content management system and serve the pages as per the visitor’s request. Dynamic pages are used for constantly changing content like stock prices, weather updates, sports scores, and news. Only when there is a change in the database content will the pages reflect any changed data. 

Dynamic websites are often unwieldy and become security challenges. They require more complex maintenance and server resources. Version control is more challenging. Dynamic websites are suitable for frequent updates and delivering real-time data. 

They are feature-rich and accessible to a wider range of users. Dynamic pages rely on back-end technologies, scripting languages, and databases.

Static vs Dynamic - Which One Would You Pick?

Static vs Dynamic - Which One Would You Pick?

Dynamic websites are preferred when the content is frequently updated. They are ideal for websites that personalize user content & allow users to log in. Dynamic pages offer more functionality.  Dynamic websites can be personalized based on user information, IP address, cookies, or even time of the day.

Dynamic websites involve complex development and are therefore more expensive to develop and host. Dynamic pages are slightly slower than static pages. Updating content on dynamic websites is less stressful. 

Static websites are simpler and do not offer much personalization. They are suitable when there are no frequent updates to the website content and there is no need for users to log in. Static sites do not have any blog posts, comments, or other interactivity. 

Dynamic websites lend themselves easily to scaling. SEO (Search engine optimization) of dynamic pages involves creating optimized static pages for search engines. Some prominent examples of dynamic websites are Twitter, Netflix, Wayfair, and The New York Times.

Summing Up

A dynamic website would suit a local food site or news website. Here, you could customize the stories as per the user’s request. A small business or start-up could begin with a static website available on-stream. A dynamic website will render a personalized experience and have a better chance of keeping the viewers engaged. 

More features can be added to dynamic websites. At MarsDevs, we will analyze your customer sentiment and behavior cues to offer highly tailored experiences. Contact us for support on app building at competitive rates. 


  1. What are the advantages of static websites?

Static websites are simpler to develop and maintain. They are cheaper to build and host, making them suitable for small businesses and start-ups. SEO is easier for static websites.

  1. What are the advantages of dynamic websites?

Dynamic websites are feature-rich and can be personalized per user input, IP address, and cookies. Dynamic websites lend themselves easily to scaling and offer several functionalities. 

  1. What are the applications where dynamic sites are more suitable?

Dynamic pages are suitable for situations where real-time data is needed such as e-commerce websites, news portals, and e-learning platforms.

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