Beyond The Basics – Take Your Android App Development Skills To The Next Level!

Published on:
June 5, 2024

The Android app ecosystem is a teeming competitive one where millions of apps jostle for space to catch user attention. Android app developers must go beyond the basics with innovative thinking and technical expertise.

Android app development is rapidly evolving and it is crucial to stay updated. This is possible by participating in online communities and following app development blogs to hone development skills.

Android app development is rapidly evolving

App developers must enhance the UI/UX design with advanced features to lock the optimal potential of the app. The deployment of cutting-edge trends can provide an Android the edge it needs over the competition. 

In this MarsDevs article, we will discuss the advanced strategies to excel in Android app development. So, let’s get started!

Advanced techniques to build Android apps that stand apart

Advanced techniques to build Android apps that stand apart

App developers must leverage a thorough understanding of the Android platform with advanced technical skills.

Complex API Integration

Skilled Android app developers must be adept at handling complex multiple API integrations. Developers must have the expertise to merge different APIs. This calls for developers to evaluate the impact of API calls on the app's performance.

Data Management

Efficiently managing large-scale data within the Android app requires deft data management skills & experience. It encompasses maintaining data reliability & consistency across the app.

Advanced App Security

Android app security measures can be handled by developers who are skilled in Android SDK (software development kit) and the various security features. The code must be safeguarded and developers must use encryption to protect the data.

Advanced App Security

Performance Optimization

App performance can be optimized by skillful use of the app memory to prevent crashes and slowdowns. The app speed & responsiveness must be tweaked with optimized code. The device resources must be optimally used without overworking the CPU/draining the battery.

App Testing

Collaborative app development will help to gain control over versions, track changes, and handle code revisions seamlessly. Git is an efficient distributed version control system that aids Android app development.

Firebase Test Lab is another invaluable testing tool that facilitates automated testing on devices. Developers can use the Android Emulator to test the app for functionality and consistent user experience.

Thomas Husson, Vice President & Principal Analyst at Forrester Research exclaims, Technology will transform from something we actively incorporate to a more seamless integrated experience that is ‘on’ all the time.”

Android App Development Techniques

  • To handle high-load apps that have high user traffic or data-intensive operations.
  • Advanced Android development also encompasses building and dependency tools such as Gradle to automate the build process.
  • Debugging and testing tools like ADB (Android Debug Bridge) are also advanced skills that can go into building a great Android app. Developers can use the command-line tools to communicate with Android devices. ADB facilitates app troubleshooting.
  • It is essential to incorporate new features to make the app stand out.
  • The app must be user-friendly and efficient. Hardware skills must be maximized. 
  • Advanced hardware integration is one of the hallmarks of advanced app development skills. This involves the use of GPS, cameras, and other advanced sensors. It also encompasses efficient memory management.

Managing App Lifecycle

Managing App Lifecycle

Developers must handle the app transitions and behavior during system interruptions. The app must have a uniform look and feel to provide a consistent user experience across devices. Android developers must optimize features such as system updates and screen rotations across the app lifecycle.

In the words of Sundar Pichai, “Android is one of the most open modules I have ever seen. What makes Android incredible is it's designed from scratch to be customized powerfully.” 

New languages and tools to build next-generation Android apps

  • Java has been the fundamental language for Android app creation. In recent years, Kotlin has emerged as a viable alternative & offers several advantages over Java. Android Jetpack offers comprehensive libraries and components to manage navigation, UI, and data storage.
  • Flutter is emerging as a popular technology to develop Android apps. This open-source UI software development toolkit facilitates the app creation for the web, iOS, and Android. Developers can use the programming language Dart and pre-designed widgets to develop interactive apps.
  • React Native is yet another open-source framework that facilitates the development of Android and iOS apps. It has access to an extensive library that helps in creating appealing apps.
  • Ionic is integrated with Visual Studio IDE for developing native Android apps.
  • Xamarin facilitates the development of native Android apps and the sharing of substantial code across other platforms like Windows and iOS. It is now integrated with Visual Studio IDE for developing seamless and native performance apps with Android APIs.
  • Apache Cordova, an open-source mobile app development framework can be harnessed for developing cross-platform apps. The native container contains the WebView component that facilitates the web content interaction with web-based features. It can offer a seamless experience to Android users.

Final Thoughts

App developers must leverage a thorough understanding of the Android platform with advanced technical skills. Collaborative app development will help to gain control over versions, track changes, and handle code revisions without any interruption. 

Hence, it is essential to incorporate new features to make the app unique. At MarsDevs, we will analyze your customer sentiment and behavior cues to offer highly tailored experiences.


  1. What is the need for adding advanced features in Android apps?

Several million Android apps are available in the Play Store. Businesses need to add interactive features and efficiency into the apps to stand apart from the rest.

  1. Name a few languages and technologies that are used in Android development.

Some tools and technologies used in Android app development include Kotlin, React Native, Xamarin, Apache Cordova, Flutter, and Ionic.

  1. What are some of the key features to be kept in mind while developing cutting-edge Android apps?

Performance optimization, data management, and advanced app security are important features while developing Android apps.

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