Python Framework

What is FastAPI?

Based on common Python-type hints, FastAPI is a fast web framework for developing APIs using Python 3.7+. It facilitates the speedy and effective creation of apps by developers. FastAPI, built on top of the Starlette web server, has features like automated data validation, error management, and interactive API documents that make it simpler to create online apps.


FastAPI is a cutting-edge web framework for creating Python RESTful APIs. Due to its simplicity, speed, and resilience, it has rapidly been a favorite among developers since its initial release in 2018. For data validation, serialization, and deserialization, the FastAPI uses Pydantic and type hints. For APIs created with it, it also automatically creates OpenAPI documentation.

FastAPI is an attractive option for production situations since it embraces asynchronous programming and runs on Gunicorn and ASGI servers like Unicorn and Hypercorn. In addition, since the project's inception, editor support has been addressed to increase developer friendliness.


Fast to Run

Thanks to Starlette and Pydantic, it provides extremely high performance comparable to NodeJS and Go.


FastAPI is just what its name implies—fast. One of the quickest Python frameworks currently available is said to be this one.


FastAPI was created to be simple to use and understand. In addition, it provides excellent documentation and editing support.


To save you time reading documentation, it is easy to use and understand.


It integrates nicely with JSON schema, OpenAPI (formerly Swagger), and other open standards for APIS.


You can write code suitable for production using automated interactive documentation.

Fewer Bugs

It lessens the likelihood of mistakes brought on by people. It cuts down on induced bugs by around 40%.

FastAPI Package Components

Automated Docs:It must include documentation on the various API endpoint types. This issue can be resolved with the aid of OpenAPI, Swagger UI, and ReDoc. These are pre-packaged with FastAPI.
Typed Python:FastAPI uses Python 3.6 type declarations. This indicates that it uses a Python feature that lets you define a variable's type and type.
Validation:This framework already has validation with Pydantic. It is possible to validate both custom fields and common Python types.

Use Cases

Building performance-driven APIs with asynchronous programming
Developing large-scale machine learning
Writing concurrent code as Python programmers
Creating data science applications
Building modern and high-performance RESTful APIs
Building Python Microservices
Developing high-performance web apps
Building serverless Python apps
Creating HTTP REST services
And more.

Next steps for FastAPI development with MarsDevs

MarsDevs is a FastAPI development company that provides services to help clients create web apps. We take technical proficiency and breadth of knowledge to build a complicated and scalable API. With our team of knowledgeable and experienced developers, we can create advanced APIs without sacrificing speed. 

Whether it's an API or the backbone of a website, we are excited to provide our services as Python developers to create technological solutions for your company. Make your ideas come to life with our FastAPI developers!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who uses Python FastAPI?

FastAPI is relatively easy to use, and its instructions are well-written and simple. Tech behemoths like Microsoft, Netflix, and Uber employ FastAPI.

Is FastAPI good for web applicataions?

For creating contemporary interfaces for applications using Python 3.6 and above, FastAPI is a quick and lightweight web framework.

When should I use FastAPI?

The data validation function of FastAPI is useful while creating and fixing code that communicates with an API. The cherry on top is the built-in documentation support that is listed with all of the endpoints. It also has better runtime performance.